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Our chalets,
A history of innovation

Since 1950

70 years of creation with wood

Guardians of tradition yet embracing modernity, Grosset-Janin chalets are infused with the spirit of alpine architecture. Their nobility resides in a purity of line, an authentic character and an elegance free from ostentation. They embody a certain ‘art of living’ which unites a desire for quality and a taste for beauty.

A know-how
born from tradition

Post-and-beam, a technique with heritage

This system of construction, characteristic of the traditional chalets of Grosset-Janin, involves the erection of a weight-bearing structure made from solid wood posts and beams. This framework, made to measure in our Domancy workshops, can be installed in just a few days.
Thanks to the length of the beams, this principle of construction offers plenty of liberty for the interior fit-out, allowing the possibility of large, open spaces, luminous rooms with generous windows and majestic visible beams, so emblematic of alpine chalets. Any choice of design or material can marry harmoniously with the nobility of wood.

Our world
of creation

Chalet de montagne traditionnel sous la neige. Charpente bois poteau poutre. Chalet sur mesure



Our traditional or contemporary style post-and-beam constructions.
Intégration 3D d'une construction chalet contemporain sur mesure, en pierres et bois à la montagne



Our extraordinary creations - atypical and inspiring
forêt de sapin
forêt de sapin